Some days I feel like writing, others I feel like reading, others i feel like hiding, and others I feel like feeling. Today I guess would be a writing day. Have maybe 1-2 per week, never really knowing what I am going to talk about or who would care at all to read it, but hopefully even if one person reads it and likes it or understands it (the points I try to make) then it would be well worth it.
So they did an article about looks in the workplace and how basically looking better could get you further in life so to speak. I have known this for quite some time, so that explains my constant talking about, thinking about, wondering about how I look and if I am up to par with the society we live in. Then I put on the news and see Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton and answer myself with a big fat NO and maybe even a donut, jk. I know if I looked a certain way, I could walk into any bar, restaurant, strip club, possibly law firms, basically anywhere and get job even with no experience whatsoever. If I looked like Kardashian I could walk literally into anywhere and be offered a job on the spot ;Especially if it were a male boss, and I am not being sexist, I am being realistic. Let's face this again, SEX SELLS. If you have a gorgeous bartender, waitress, dancer, receptionist, jewelry salesman, car salesman, I guarantee people would be more likely to frequent that bar, club, restaurant, buy jewelry from that person or a car. Don't get me wrong, there are gorgeous people who have no bedside manner and have no idea how to treat people, and I don't mean those people. I mean the people who are normal and maybe even somewhat oblivious to their looks being so amazing, that they don't see it that way. There have been girls that i have seen that I would want to say, why aren't you a model? If they are taller, thin, long legs, natural hair, no makeup and still look like a model then they should be a model. I think I would be a great model scout but that is not the industry i want to get into because I know it is not all fun and games. I am sure the really pretty ones have their share of downfalls. "Do people really like me for who I am or because I am pretty?" "Did i only get this job because I am pretty" "I am so sick of being stared down by men who look at me like a piece of meat" "well, this nine to five just isn't paying enough so I will do a little dancing on the side, make a thousand dollars a night, then quit my real job"....I am not saying pretty people have it good, I am saying they have it made. They can do what they want with what they have. If they choose to be a stripper then so be it, that would not be the road God planned for them, but money is a very tempting prospect considering you make 800 in two weeks at another job, then 800 in one night at one job working 6 hours. Yes, the guys can be dirt-bags but they are throwing money at you. It is like, so when does it become a bad thing here? When does it become unjustified. I am not saying it should be justified, I am just saying I can see where that temptation, along with drugs and alcohol and anything that makes you feel "good" lies. It may be hard to outweigh the difference or the moral aspects at this point, and maybe you are a single mother and have a family to feed. There is no judgment here on my behalf at all. To each his own. Live and let live. I also think, woman have it harder and have more pressure to be attractive. It seems the women who were just blessed with great everything, don't seem to face pressure until they start aging and suddenly they are not admired for their beauty anymore. If I looked a certain way (not saying I want too, just using an example) I could apply to ford models, be flown out to CA and be a model! Looks may not get you everything, but they certainly open the window of opportunity. You can get a job while working at your job. A guy comes in and likes what he sees, has a job available that thinks you would be great at (going on looks alone) and you say ok, because it pays twice as much and you think "wow, this guy sees something in me", Yes, he sees a mistress.
I know it sounds harsh, but I really believe it is the way of the world. I am not saying that bigger, or unattractive people do not get hired, that is simply not the case. I am saying that , if a person were to walk into a place and ask if they were hiring and looked liked Kardashian, Crawford, Hilton, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johanson, Gisele...chances are they would find a place for them even if they were not hiring at all. Sad but true, Only and especially if it were men doing the hiring. Some beautiful women know how to use their looks to their advantage and more power to them. I am not trying to imply that regular gals like myself, have no worth or are not worth anything because we do not look like these people, I am just saying these women are OFFERED more then per say a woman like me. In this tough economy, a woman who looks amazing even with maybe less education, but who is more charming in an interview, will get that job. If she wanted to be a bartender with no experience, I bet the bar would hire her and give her on the job training, if she wanted to be a dancer they would say OK you start tonight. If you notice I am not using the highest class of jobs, and I don't think looks matter in a corporation stand point in some cases (large corporations). These are often trying very hard to avoid scandal and i see many different types of people where I work. From pretty to heavy to good looking and everything in between. I just mean certain places, who need the business, and are in a business where sex sells and there are many, they would be offered jobs. I am not saying it is a bad thing either, hell if I had this luxury I would be all over it. But then again, I have no idea where I would go. I just know things would just fall into my lap and I wouldn't have to do a thing.
So there you go, my opinions on looks and the world and what looks mean and how they matter. Yes, looks may not be what matters and does not determine what worth you have, but there are some who just don't see it that way. Some people see if you are fat you are worth nothing, if you are skinny you are worth more, and if you are pretty you are worth something and if you are absolutely stunning you are worth everything. It is my opinion on the way of the world, sad but true, may be hard to digest but I have been for years, and even harder to admit, which I just did.