Thursday, March 10, 2011


Don't want to get all weird on everyone, but heck what's the difference than usual. I woke up the last two mornings and actually spoke "Today is going to be a great day" and I tried my hardest to believe it. Guess what, I had two great days, yest in a row!  Hard to believe i know. The devil was at my every turn trying to bring me down, yet every time I just said an "Our Father" and he was gone. It is like, I am not a preacher or anything of the sort. I am not someone who judges, in fact, I think there are so many misconceptions about religions, that it is impossible to judge because I will never have all the facts. I was raised Catholic and I still carry those beliefs, however, I am still a Christian, and if you are a Catholic you are a christian, but not vice verse. We all have demons, no matter what "religion" you are, or what you aren't, even atheist, something in your life PULLS YOU DOWN. Ever notice how the things that bother you the most are the things most prevalent or the only things you see? You know what kills me? Stories about animal, child, or elderly abuse. That does not mean I do not care about other people who don't fit those categories. Maybe I am just sad for the "helpless". People who cannot help themselves. I don't care if they are dirt bags, homeless people, people who treat me like crap, they can be anyone and it hurts me. Satan knows this.

He says...haha....Yes, this is how I get to her. I will definitely make sure she sees this story, this will totally doubt her faith in God. I will admit, it worked for a while. I questioned God after my mom died. I was like how can something so bad happen to someone so good? Then I realized, it was Satan's fault. He is sitting there laughing knowing I will blame God for everything that is gone wrong in my life. EVERYTHING. Which I always have. Never really thought of blaming the devil, I only blamed God. God gave us free will, we can do what we choose, and accept the consequences or the great things from that. I have started to CARE AGAIN. I did not care about anyone but me, my family and my animals for quite some time. Now, I am like, well, do you need a ride home it is too cold to walk?? Or do you want me to go out to garden center to cashier because it is too cold. I am not AS selfish, still a little of course. But, in a sense, i think we all are. We are all just trying to survive and with that comes selfishness. But there is a balance. There is the "I am going to do whatever I want" selfish, and the "I am just doing what I think is right for me" selfish.

As far as bad intentions, yes, I never had them in the past. For a while though, hell yeah, I wanted that person fired or that person written up....but for what? What does that accomplish. Considering eventually, as in right this moment, I would feel guilty about it. And, my friends, guilt IS THE DEVIL. I am not a crazy Christian Catholic saying all these things. I am a 28 year old female who has seen these things. I know there is bad, I am not oblivious, all I am saying is that I see the bad because Satan knows I can't handle it, but you know what? I think, finally for once in my life I ACTUALLY CAN.

Yes, Satan, people kill their own children, thousands die in terrorist attacks, animals, babies and elderly alike suffer, people with mental illness suffer, people who are disabled whether at birth or a car accident suffer, people lose thier loved ones and they suffer and watch their loved ones suffer, yes, maybe that is the only peace you get. You probably don't even know the meaning of the word. So, it has been two days since I HAVE CAST YOU OFF, and I have had two good days, I willl wake up and speak my good day into existence and yes, you will be gone, Mr. Satan, because you have no home here, in my life or in my heart. God knows how many lives you have already ruined, I refuse to be your statistic. So:

Our Father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us,and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil. Amen.

 For thine is the kingdom,and the power, and the glory,for ever and ever


You, are a trespass, and I am clean of your passes.