Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello, my name is stunning... Are you Hiring?

Some days I feel like writing, others I feel like reading, others i feel like hiding, and others I feel like feeling. Today I guess would be a writing day. Have maybe 1-2 per week, never really knowing what I am going to talk about or who would care at all to read it, but hopefully even if one person reads it and likes it or understands it (the points I try to make) then it would be well worth it. 

So they did an article about looks in the workplace and how basically looking better could get you further in life so to speak. I have known this for quite some time, so that explains my constant talking about, thinking about, wondering about how I look and if I am up to par with the society we live in. Then I put on the news and see Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton and answer myself with a big fat NO and maybe even a donut, jk. I know if I looked a certain way, I could walk into any bar, restaurant, strip club, possibly law firms, basically anywhere and get  job even with no experience whatsoever. If I looked like Kardashian I could walk literally into anywhere and be offered a job on the spot ;Especially if it were a male boss, and I am not being sexist, I am being realistic. Let's face this again, SEX SELLS. If you have a gorgeous bartender, waitress, dancer, receptionist, jewelry salesman, car salesman, I guarantee people would be more likely to frequent that bar, club, restaurant, buy jewelry from that person or a car. Don't get me wrong, there are gorgeous people who have no bedside manner and have no idea how to treat people, and I don't mean those people. I mean the people who are normal and maybe even somewhat oblivious to their looks being so amazing, that they don't see it that way. There have been girls that i have seen that I would want to say, why aren't you a model? If they are taller, thin, long legs, natural hair, no makeup and still look like a model then they should be a model. I think I would be a great model scout but that is not the industry i want to get into because I know it is not all fun and games. I am sure the really pretty ones have their share of downfalls. "Do people really like me for who I am or because I am pretty?" "Did i only get this job because I am pretty" "I am so sick of being stared down by men who look at me like a piece of meat" "well, this nine to five just isn't paying enough so I will do a little dancing on the side, make a thousand dollars a night, then quit my real job"....I am not saying pretty people have it good, I am saying they have it made. They can do what they want with what they have. If they choose to be a stripper then so be it, that would not be the road God planned for them, but money is a very tempting prospect considering you make 800 in two weeks at another job, then 800 in one night at one job working 6 hours. Yes, the guys can be dirt-bags but they are throwing money at you. It is like, so when does it become a bad thing here? When does it become unjustified. I am not saying it should be justified, I am just saying I can see where that temptation, along with drugs and alcohol and anything that makes you feel "good" lies.  It may be hard to outweigh the difference or the moral aspects at this point, and maybe you are a single mother and have a family to feed. There is no judgment here on my behalf at all. To each his own. Live and let live. I also think, woman have it harder and have more pressure to be attractive. It seems the women who were just blessed with great everything, don't seem to face pressure until they start aging and suddenly they are not admired for their beauty anymore. If  I looked a certain way (not saying I want too, just using an example) I could apply to ford models, be flown out to CA and be a model! Looks may not get you everything, but they certainly open the window of opportunity. You can get a job while working at your job. A guy comes in and likes what he sees, has a job available that thinks you would be great at (going on looks alone) and you say ok, because it pays twice as much and you think "wow, this guy sees something in me", Yes, he sees a mistress. 

I know it sounds harsh, but I really believe it is the way of the world. I am not saying that bigger, or unattractive people do not get hired, that is simply not the case. I am saying that , if a person were to walk into a place and ask if they were hiring and looked liked Kardashian, Crawford, Hilton, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johanson, Gisele...chances are they would find a place for them even if they were not hiring at all. Sad but true, Only and especially if it were men doing the hiring. Some beautiful women know how to use their looks to their advantage and more power to them. I am not trying to imply that regular gals like myself, have no worth or are not worth anything because we do not look like these people, I am just saying these women are OFFERED more then per say a woman like me. In this tough economy, a woman who looks amazing even with maybe less education, but who is more charming in an interview, will get that job. If she wanted to be a  bartender with no experience, I bet the bar would hire her and give her on the job training, if she wanted to be a dancer they would say OK  you start tonight. If you notice I am not using the highest class of jobs, and I don't think looks matter in a corporation stand point in some cases (large corporations). These are often trying very hard to avoid scandal and i see many different types of people where I work. From pretty to heavy to good looking and everything in between. I just mean certain places, who need the business, and are in a business where sex sells and there are many, they would be offered jobs. I am not saying it is a bad thing either, hell if I had this luxury I would be all over it.  But then again, I have no idea where I would go. I just know things would just fall into my lap and I wouldn't have to do a thing.

So there you go, my opinions on looks and the world and what looks mean and how they matter. Yes, looks may not be what matters and does not determine what worth you have, but there are some who just don't see it that way. Some people see if you are fat you are worth nothing, if you are skinny you are worth more, and if you are pretty you are worth something and if you are absolutely stunning you are worth everything. It is my opinion on the way of the world, sad but true, may be hard to digest but I have been for years, and even harder to admit, which I just did.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Missing the Picture


Hard to believe I wrote this 10 years ago,
and I am still asking myself the same questions.

We are all full of questions that go unanswered. What
are we living for anyway? We are always expecting
something better, something nicer, something more, but
when we get it we do not realize it. We are always so
unsatisfied with everything. No one is ever truly
relaxed or carefree. In the back of their mind is
always something. Something that does not fit,
something does not happen exactly as planned. It is
all so strange. We keep living and keep reminiscing.
Getting sentimental about ten years ago, when 10 years
ago we were remembering ten years before that. We let
things pass by to often. We never can just enjoy. We
as people cannot just chill and not smoke, not drink,
not talk or laugh, it is all-relative. We all need
something that we already have in full; it is just not
labeled for us to realize.

July 26, 2002 12:50 am

Lost Skeptic

This was written by me about 10 years ago, hm. I don't seem to have changed much.


The world is full of skeptics, no one knows what to do
with them anymore. We all listen, but do not
understand, we are all a fake phony person who thinks
they are right when in fact we got it all wrong. We all
want to see the bright side, but then tomorrow is in
our view. And the worry and the pain, the uncertainty
of it all. That is what we are afraid of, uncertainty.
That is why it all boils down too. Where will be in
years to come, where will our loved ones be, where
will our lives be. That is what the fear stems from.
That is where we fall.

July 26, 2002 12:40 am

God Help Us All...

I don't know what to say other than I am sick of seeing all of the bad people succeed. What makes them bad one may ask? Well, keep in mind, when I say bad, I mean it is quite obvious they are not good. The greed and the need for power and control in this world is just disgusting and literally makes me physically and psychologically ill. Yes, I will walk over you to get to the top, I will get to the top and be very successful, and I will live my life in a selfish shell of a human being and then I will have everything I want. Well, you know what, that is not fair, and I am sick of hearing life isn't fair. I already know life isn't fair. I am very fortunate and I am not whining or complaining about how hard my life is, I am simply stating the fact that the bad ones succeed when they shouldn't. The bad ones get promoted when they shouldn't. The bad ones win, even when they are the biggest losers. Let's compare the seven deadly sins and the ten commandments shall we?
Seven deadly sins:

1. Pride
2. Greed
3. Gluttony
4. Lust
5. Anger
6. Envy
7. Sloth

The Ten Commandments:
1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6 “You shall not murder.
7 “You shall not commit adultery.
8 “You shall not steal.
9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10 “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”
(courtesy of thetencommandments,org)

Wow, check out those correlations.
Let's start with pride. Honor your father and mother. Many of us didn't, many of us don't. We have too much pride. We don't want to let others win because we have two much pride. If you race me on the street, I will not let you win, because I have too much pride. I have too much pride to step down to you. It is destructive.

Moving on to greed, wow I could go all night on this one. The world IS FULL OF GREED. Money, fame and fortune. I want to look this way, I want to have it all, thou shalt not steal and thou shall not commit adultery are forms of greed. You want it all, all the time, it is not the way life works.  You shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, servant, his donkey or anything that is your neighbors, Yet, people steal what is not theirs all the time. People steal everything from the smallest thing to a husband to a wife, to a marriage.

Lust and greed are more correlation and not causation. Lust is a form of greed. I want you only in a sexual way, and that is all I want so I want to have you and I will have you in the way I please. In your heart, you are being greedy with what you want.  If you act on your lust, you are greedy, and you are a sinner and you are probably at the same time committing adultery.

Gluttony is something I think we all suffer from. As far as food, yes I can be gluttonous at times. As far as gluttony looked at in a different way, it all stems back to greed. Everyone wants everything all the time. We feel entitled to it, it should be ours.

Revenge/Wrath...Yes this is another sin I am more than honest to admit I am a part of.  Yes, I want Osama Bin laden to be hanged, I want to see the terrible people out there suffer for their sins. Yes, revenge, yes I understand you revenge. I feel you, I understand you.

Ah, good old envy. Wow, you are really pretty and skinny and have a lot of money I sure want to be you. Yes envy, you and I are old flames. I want everything you have, thus making me greedy, envious, possibly lustful and possibly to proud to tell you. I envy that you have a good wife or husband so I will take her or him from you, I envy that you have all of this money so I will steal from you.

Sloth. Yes Yes Yes.  There are days I don't even want to get out of bed and face you world. I want to lie around in bed all day and do nothing with the covers on me, and the cats surrounding me, yet I know that is not realistic. I see it everyday in others and i see it everyday in myself. I see all of the deadly sins impact our every day lives, as we are all sinners and God knows that.

I mean, really, what makes you so smart? What makes me so smart? Nothing, none of us are smart in the same ways. You may be able to read a book and memorize it word for word, but I can look at you and tell you your life story in 10 minutes. I am smarter in different ways. Yet, I am looked at as this dumb, blonde bimbo who has mental issues that she can't deal with. Well, guess what, I can't deal with them, at least not on my own, but the fact that i am trying is more than I can say for half the people out there. The world has gone mad. I am literally scared to leave the house half the time. Scared some jerk will run me off the road, tbone me during a high speed chase, being the victim of a random act of violence, and for what reason, because the news had made me feel like going out in the world is dangerous, which it is. Yet, I still have to live my life, and I still do, and what ends up happening then fine. I have no control over that. However, I do have control over how I respond to it.
The deadly sins and the commandments when together and analyzed is quite obvious that God knows what temptations face us.  It seems as if one is saying, these things will kill you, and the other one is saying, these things will leave you in a fiery place when your time is up. The weird part is, I am not a religious fanatic. However, the greed and the sins of this world are so apparent to me, it is so hard for me not to write about them. What happened to us? What happened, seriously? Who the hell are we? We are sinners doing every possible sin known to man, going against God at every turn, yet expecting our lives to fall into place. Well, no, it does not work like that. People bash the Catholic religion all the time, which is what I was raised, and you know what, you are wrong for doing that. I can respect your views and I demand respect for mine. I do have anger in my heart for what the world has become. War, hate, greed, anger, resentment, I am fully aware I am part of these sins, so I am not being self righteous.

I sure hope this world gets it together and gets it together soon. 

I can't help but feel we are nothing less than doomed.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yes World, I See You

I grew up believing life was a fairy tale. Even though fairy tales can be good and bad, I believed fairy tales were nothing but good things. I grew up believing people never died, people never fell out of love, day after day and year and year, life was just perfect. Then, instead of growing up anymore, I just grew up. I learned the reality of the world.

The world, you see, is a beautiful place if you choose to see it that way. However, when looked at in a different perception, it can be equally as ugly. Sometimes I wish I never would have watched the news, clicked on that sad new's article, listened to that radio show that was just making me sad. I have seen and heard so many good things, along with bad, however, I don't know what is real and what is not real anymore. Did that really happen? Is this really happening? Who am I in this world? Am I just a figment or a real person? Am I just taking up space, waiting for the next generation to come along, and soon I will be history just like all those before me. Was I really supposed to be around to witness 9/11? Was that really even supposed to happen, did that really happen? Why did Hitler live? Why do the good ones die and the bad ones live? Why do the bad ones get everything they want sometimes, and the good ones get not as much. I think I have finally figured it out. The ones who seem to have it all (basically the seven deadly sins), are the ones who literally sell their soul to the devil. I have seen the rise and fall of so many, and I am not even 30 yet. Things sure are tempting. Money, fame, fortune, admiration, but at what cost? I find it rather odd that the ones who seem to be so fortunate to have all these things: Marylin Monroe, James Dean, John Lennon, JFK, etc...are the ones who die young and who die in a mysterious way. I am not saying these particular people sold their souls to the devil, I am saying that there is a price to pay for everything you do in this world. You cannot possible have it all. You take the good with the bad. We are all struggling in our own ways, and frankly I am afraid to know the truth about how the world really works. We probably really know nothing unless we work for the government. I would just hate to find out what is really going on out there. Is Osama's location really known but he is being protected by a particular party? We as the general public would panic if we new everything I am sure. Thank God they don't tell us. I am sure if is for our own benefit and so the world would not panic. Let's face it, the news gets watched when it is bad news. The people who do bad things get more attention then the ones who do good things: Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Ed Gein, Jack the Ripper, Casey Anthony, Adolf Hitler. Those are only to name a few. The world is full and has been full of bad since the beginning of time. Some people may argue that Adam and Eve are the reason, and my heart would have to agree with them. The fruit of temptation surrounds us everyday. God knew Adam and Eve would sin. There are basketball players, baseball players, rappers (who rap about drugs and sex), making millions of dollars. They go to strip clubs to "make it rain", you know when they throw all the money in the air for the dancers so it looks like it is raining money on them. Well, isn't that great? Meanwhile, the teacher around the corner is trying to make ends meet, and the guy is standing on the corner holding a sign for some company to make 20 bucks to feed his family because he got laid off. Then, as far as healthcare, there are some people who are so rich they could literally save thousands of lives and even other countries! Money ruins people. I truly believe that. I do not want a lot of money, it would change me, I have seen it change many. Have you ever heard of the curse of lottery? The same goes with fame and fortune. I see now that it is not all that it is cracked up to be. When those "famous" people go home, they are alone. Look at Britney, Lindsey, Paris...they have all been in the news for drugs, sex, stealing. They have all the money they could ever need and guess where it goes. Yes, up their nose.
It would be pretty cool to be famous, and loved and admired but then with all that comes the "haters". The same amount of people who love you will hate you and all for different reasons. You would have hate groups directed towards you, blogs of terrible things being said, being on the covers of magazines with terrible headlines. Then, there are the ones America sympathizes with, you know the Jennifer Anistons and the Sandra Bullocks to the Mia Farrows. They seem to be the good hearted ones, yet, they have had love leave them, for other loves, who may be more fun but I cannot imagine them being more satisfying.

I am not perfect, I do sin and I am not self righteous. However, just because some people don't believe in God, does not mean He does not exist. If you don't believe in God, OK, that's fine, but hell is still around and not going any where so you may very well just end up there. I remember asking my pastor, "why is it fair that a murderer can kill 30 people, go to death row, then as soon as he is about to be killed, asks God for forgiveness and may go to heaven?" The pastor replied "His sins are no worse then your (mine) sins in the eyes of God." A sin is a sin in the eyes of God. Having known God my whole life, I often wonder where this "Saved" thing comes from.  I finally realized that is for people who have no known God their whole lives, then they realize His power. Although, I do believe in God whole heartedly, I still believe in the death penalty, and war if need be. So, what about "Thou Shall Not Kill", well, that is where sin comes in. I know my thinking may be wrong, but I cannot imagine a country not sticking up for itself or a man or woman who has axed people to death not dying themselves. Then the whole argument "Well, wouldn't suffering in prison be worse then being executed?" Not necessarily. See, they still have tvs, food, get to go outside, get to be around other people, you know things they took from their victims. Maybe I do have some hate in my heart, which is not Christian like, but then I am not perfect. I do believe in eye for an eye, and I am working on that day by day.
If you tailgate me, I will tailgate you, if you are mean to me, I will be mean to you. It may not be the right way, but it is my way, but not the only way so I am working on it. A friend requested I start a blog, and I said what the hell I love to write why not?  I am glad I did, thank you Nicole. I had no idea I had all this in my mind at this given time, in fact I thought I was a useless waste of space today having done nothing all day. Not all was lost though, I got to write this blog, which makes me feel better. So, if you will excuse me, I am sure there is a new newscast on TV about the rape and murder of another innocent teen, gotta go.